27 November 2006
Happy Feet !!!
I know tonnes of people in my circle is craving for the show..
What i can say is, the show is successful in its way or two but what i think it still lack of a gd ending.. The story had its twist but i sensed the body and it's closing doesnt realli matched well ~ That's what i can say but no offense if you got diff thoughts from mine..
007 ~
Firstly, from my pt of view, the new bond look doesnt realli matched his name, but ..
He was justified by the amazing stunts he had shown the crowd when i saw his first scene. He was like hopping around like spiderman while he lacks that web swing when he executed his moves.(which mean pain =.=!!!) The story line was simple, usual but interesting as it involved quite a few scenes in diff countries. While the show seemed to worth its money, it was kinda lengthy in da process .. 2.5hrs show hors.. plan ur schedule first hors, remember that ..
The movies are realli interesting, funny, full of colours ..
wonder how's my future life ahead, can it be as fun and colourful eh ?
Maybe i just got to be more positive and striving to excel in every areas.
Just hope i dont feel so tired after work leh, so tired till i dont feel like going anywhere except HOME !!! Home sweet home .. hahas..
not forgetting one thing, gd luck to hairol my bud, he jus got a job @ creative, hope that's wat he wanted and pray that he will love the environment and the people and everything there =))
oh ya, one more thing, i'm not spiderman and i doubt you can see webs in this place wor xiao mei ~ =X
(Thanks for viewing my blog always, hope that my life becomes more colourful starting from this moment onwards and hope you guys out there find your colours soon)
19 November 2006
Hi folks,
how's da new song?
This Never Happened Before by Paul McCartney.
If you watched LakeHouse and realli listen to some of da songs like i do.
I believed you cant forget this song.. Anyway it just makes me think of the past again.
Yesterdae, i finally had my bdae celebration ..
It was a full one because we had a 3 hours++ buffet dinner !!!
I'm still wondering how we did it..
What i remember is the "ai xin zhao chan" that Cong they all cooked =.=
It includes a pancake, a fish shaped like otah, an egg and a hot dog lols~
so " ai xin " ah ..
Not forgetting kelvin who cooked me an egg after another ..
and the "half boiled" one done by jacob though the feeling is eeeeuuuuwwww...
Pearly still tried to eat it using chopsticks. (*pengz)
Actually as the buffet dinner come close to an end, i was thinking no more cake liao.. Then out of no where came one cake! So Shocked yet i was smiling inside.. hahas ~ It was a chococake which jun bought i think. She's always da cake provider hehe.. thankie jun !!! Hopefully i do get the pictures from them soon and post it up here ~ hehes..
Luckily i chose Yuki Yaki.. The guys and gals had fun playing and doing "Tepanyaki" on the icecream =.=!!! sounds weird.. Jacob even made me a turtle piece with his Rum and Raisins which formed my eyes. Robbie even mistaken the tails for the head and dumped them to the tail instead... (*Piangz)
Zeng worst, whole night sushi sushi sushi.. see his plates always full of sushi ~ unlike Cong who got one bowl on noodles den realised..
Come to buffet how can eat so filling stuff !!! hahas den put there dont eat liao ..
See his face so funni !!!
Whole night kept joking.. They were talking abt steamboat .. Only can eat floating food cos it's CookeD. Then hors. jus nice i pass them "Tau Pok" lols~ Cong took and put in.. they joked and said:"so it's floating .. CAN EAT LIAO !!! =.= ahahas lames ..
Then we were talking abt gui gui.. always nv bring gf to gathering one .. arbish hahas ~ wanted to see what kinda gal can steal the soul of gui gui made him seldom bball with us.. =/
Then we were chatting abt maple, saying that at dhoby ghaut mrt got one LAN shop charging pples 4.5 bucks per hr for mapling, it was like omg!!! out of no where shao jie popped out asking who's playing who's playing lols.. (*bthz)
anyway i believed the cake took more pics than the owner do as usual..
This is the tradition that has been circulating for the pass dunno how many years hahas..
For all you guys have done for me, i truly wanna say "Thankie".
Love ya guys and always enjoy ur company..
Dunno whether to mention this anot ..
but ..
I saw piggy todae ~
Still so cute and funni =P~
I was walking with cong in search for a gift for pearl while we came across the Wallet Shop..
I saw a similar figure .. the usual dressing of hers..
So i went in to check it out and realised it was indeed her hahas..
So i said "hello" and pad her shoulder.. and guessed what ?
She Jumped and Screamed =.=
Stunned and shocked by me..
The whole shop looked at us..
I was like ehhh; "Do you need to have such a huge reaction?"
Shou bu liao larrss...
Saw her with her friend, said hi.. and i left..
actualli i was kinda happi to see her ..
but my mind was corrupted after leaving ..
was stoning and glazing at the purplish balls deco that Marina Sq put up for Xmas..
Perhaps i needed a reboot ..
ohhss.. what am i thinking again..
okoks nvm .. i jus can hope that you'll be happy ~
Jiayou !!!
I got my studies and career path to build .. =D
16 November 2006
How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others
You are very strong-willed and proud, but intensely private and not easy to know well. Behind your quiet exterior lies a great deal of emotional depth, sensitivity, complexity, and also fierce determination. When you want something you go after it rather quietly but insistently and wholeheartedly - and you usually get it.
The Inner You: Your Real Motivation
Quiet, deep, emotionally complex and intensely private, you are not a person who is easy to get to know and understand. You are extremely sensitive but disinclined to show it, and you allow only a special few into your inner world. Like a wary animal, you are cautious and mistrustful of those you do not know until you "sniff them out". You are very, very instinctive and intuitive. You usually have a strong, immediate gut reaction to people, even though you may be unable to clearly articulate why you feel as you do. Your feelings and perceptions go deeper than words.
15 November 2006
Have been tiring myself this few days ..
Dont understand why i keep feeling tired after work ~
No more the past energy liao ~
Had been drained thoroughly..
I really wished i can renew my energy cells and combust them to make a better everyday~
Ytd Hairol celebrated with me ..
We had a simple meal at Fish & Co ...
The young lady was a so cute and funni~
Actually we requested the window seat but she said cannot !
but we keep disturb her until she asked her senior who eventually allow us to sit there..
lols ~
I DONT CARE cos i BDAE BOI !!! hahas ~
Had new york fish and chips and a Jungle freeze..
the freeze was so huge that we need to share and it looked GAY !!! lols ~
Two big bois wearing same adidas shoes, sitting at window seats and drinking the Jungle freeze LOLs !!!
I really cant imagine .. the scene was lols ~ disgusting ahahas ~
anyway we didnt get bother too much abt it ..
We wanted to catch a show but we missed the last timings for it so we went straight from cathay towards selegie to eat our favourite tow huay ~ lols
After that so late le .. we zhao liao hahas ~
Though it's simple celebration and on his treat hahas ~
I wanna tell you that i realli appreciated that !
There alot of people that smsed me happi bdae that dae..
Realli thankie soo much for remembering my bdae .. ~
Not forgetting peiyi who tricked me into waiting for her while she prepared and sent a ecard for me ..
Though i was so shag that moment but after seeing the card i still do collapse into the bed..
I wanted to say thankie !! ahahs ~
Love ya guys so muchy !!!
Hope we do carry on this valuable friendship we share and last ever ..
Cheers !!!

Taken at The new Cathay !!!

The Rainbow drink that i mentioned in the previous post..
It's so nice !!!
14 November 2006
WEeeeee ~
Finally it arrives .. ~
My 22th big dae tat i gonna have todae ..
Seriously i think i have to postpone my celebration to wednesday cos two of my gd frens are working and only free on wed .. No worries, cos i know someone is bz arranging for me .. hahas..
Thanks alot bro !!! hao peng you ~ =X
so i'm wondering what to do tonight .. ~ lols ~
anyone wanna book miieee ? lols ~
btw, it's my jie mei bdae on 13th which has jus past but i still wanna say :
"Happy Birthday Zhen Zhu !!!"
Hopefully my buddy can read my mind and get what i wanted hahas.. ~
Cheers guys !!!
Hope my bdae will be a pleasant one =D
13 November 2006
oh mine.. it's my bdae .. !!!
2 more days ...
Sounds crazy !!!
havent plan...
jialat ... hope there's something install for me ..
else i will be .... devastated.. =( arghhh.. ~
Watch two movies this past one week..
One is The convenant..
Majiam Dragonball.. shoot water ballsss... shoot shoot here .. shoot shoot there ~
Supernatural beings from 5 families.. One out to kill da rest but kena killed..
Expected scenario .. too predictable..
The other is STEP UP !!!!
OMG !!!!
That is a MUST WATCH Movie if you love music and if you love DANCING like i do ...
though i'm know nuts abt dancing .. i really do love it .. ~
some day .. and i mean some day .. i will go for a class or two to pick up some moves.. ~
anyone interested ?
Met pearly, weicong & hairol this week hahas..
so much fun .. went to meet and shop with them over the past 2 days ..
but i didnt get anything yet..
only saw hairol spent 100+ on a shirt and pants..
i wish you gd luck on the interview man.. ~
hope you can get the job you really like working for ..
Cong asked me what i want.. but i really couldnt tell..
but that dae i went out with hairol, i saw the pair of working shoes meaning leather.
Dark brown color from Domanchi.. damn nice !!!
Hope to get one for myself soon ..
The shirts there is appealing but the prices are frightening .. ="(
Hairol bought a pants for himself there.. really spending alot sia but i believed it's worth it man.~
We went crocodile too.. Their service is EXCELLENT and i bet you would have really
pleasant experience when you shop there though the stuffs are kinda exp there..
They got great stuff like nice shirts too ..
Currently they are having 20 % off !!! so come quick !!! hahas ~
Actually wanted to get a watch for myself because my current adidas watch failed me..
dying le.. mom take to repair until now no news.. sob~ Singtel give me one voucher 50 bucks off when spend 100 bucks and above.. but i couldnt find one watch that's of comfortable pricing..
Come to think of the stuff i need.. i remember i need a Belt as well hahas..
Perhaps something that can match when i'm wearing shirt .. you know ..
the feeling that a belt brings hahas ~
Now think think think like alot liao...
I still wish to get my hp but next year bah ~ cos i no money le ..
Got to save for my allowance during SIM studying period else i would be chewing on grass patches around the school..
No choice but to grit my teeths and work hard for my future.. ~
Wish me gd luck and hopefully my friends around me does remember this special bdae of mine..
That realli means alot to me... cos that's how i know they are realli worthy friends of mine..
Of cos i wouldnt mind if i do receive some gifts ahaha if you guys can afford =x
Thankie for reading my naggy post again ~ but i realli wanna say Thanks pal..
You guys make my dae ^^
08 November 2006
today become a real helpdesk doing literally everything ..
still gt some stuff i dont realli know but i know i'm learning ..
it's interesting ~
was chatting with my colleagues regarding is IT really a interests or just a work to the 3 of us..
end up i guess no one is actually doing it for the sake of loving IT which nobody does..
i'm slightly interested though but i know it's not strong enough..
the lil interests is gd enough to push me to learn what they taught me ..
thank god ~
the day ended realli soon ..
didnt really realise it actually until i saw the clock at 430 pm..
ahahas ~
short dae..
enjoyed the tv show that i always wanted to catch..
i have catch some scenes on youtube actually but i guess i'm going to cont to catch it.
The show is Triumph in the Skies on Channel U from Mon - Fri @ 10pm.
Do join me and catch this show.
Tonight is first episode.
Take care and rest well ...
Nitex ~
06 November 2006
so sooon ..
i gonna be 22 already ~
how can it be ?
It's just like yesterday, i still can visualise the scene where i walked the " pasak malam" with cong and pearly.
so real ..
lights flashed across the eye and i came back to the present..
At our age, time is moving at its fastest pace .. but what can we do to stop that process ?
Onli thing we can do, perhaps is to take a break occasionally and use some of the time we have to cherish the people, the friends and family around us..
That's what i am doing now .. let's hope it's not too late still ..
Tmr will be my first day to really attend to a user ...
Hope it does goes well else i'm willing to take that lesson ...
Bring it on ~ ^^
So what do you guys think abt this new blogskin i got over here?
I think it rocks and paint my life, build my mood whenever i click on my blog.
Simply grateful to the one who created this skin.
Qi ask me create my own in da future..
I think i will !!! ~
Had a moody week ending but everything changed today ~
I believed tml will be better.
Dont ya think so ? =D ~
Friday had a drink with my bro (hairol).
Guess what's da drink name ?
Yes !!! Rainbow !
It 's a tiny cup of alcohol..
Comes in 3 different colours..
Middle BROWN.
Bottom RED.
The blend makes it so beautiful until the dim lightings.
The taste was special ~
It has the thick scent of chocolate..
When you take a sip out of it, guess what ?
At first, it had a taste like mint.
Second the chocolate taste started to blend in ..
Next the sweetness of cheery revealed its taste ...
Special right ?
was amazed when it reached my table.. cos i didnt expect it to be what it was.
Think abt it, dont you guys think that the drink itself depicts our life?
you taste the mint taste which kinda like spicing up your life,
progressing into the bitterness of chocolate,
ending in sweetness ...
It was a great place with great atmosphere.
If you like to chill out at a simple, nice and soothing environment,
do visit Meritus Mandarin Hotel @ 2nd floor.
It's kinda like a classy pub with affordable drink at $16++,
though it does serve you food like dim sum as well..
All da watiress in cheongsum..
Well you got to see for yourself right ?
Time's up.
Nitex & enjoy my blog =D
02 November 2006
early morning dropped my hp on the floor..
stoned at home in da morning but luckily wasnt late..
blur blur whole day ~
:Luckily did nth wrong at work~
Juz now rushed home, keep thinking got dinner.. lols~
end up i forgt that i asked mum not to cook.. arghhh ~
On da way back, took bus 94. So slpy .. actually can drop at 2 stops.
but 2nd stop is nearer to my home but saw a lady left her bottle on da bus and left le..
so i LL take the bottle go down find her .. and walk a longer dist..
but she was like so happy hahas ! so stoned initially.. still asked me where i was sitting hahas~ how come didnt see me =.= *pengz*
i did something gd at least..
on da lift home, i saw a kid. before he left, say byes to me.. i was so stoned but i did replied him hehe..
all this small small things, makes my night brighter even without the stars.
hope i can do more for the people around whether do i know them or not..
it really feels great !!!
You guys should try it too kaes ~
Kindness to others need not necessary be due to the outcome or what it may benefits you..
but rather simple efforts that make people's day and create smiles on their faces..
gd nite and remember what i said..~ hehe~ =))
Suddenly out of no where, i learned alot of stuff ~
omg .. head so big like zhu tou. !!! zeena and siew continuously keep bombarding me .. hahas.. until i " seh " ..
Luckily it was all managable.. heng sia.. ~ thankie you ladies anyway..
moving quite fast i can say but no choice, i jus got to adapt i believe.
jus now come back dinner.. ate mum's fav cooking hehe.. yummy ! thankie mummi~
so sweet.. tio 4D somemore.. but somehow i was too tired to entertain here.. abit fed up feeling too.. and always this kinda feelings.. i hope i can change my attitude.. sometimes i realli gt realli mad with her.. but i know she loves and adores me alot hahas~ oops bhb~ but it's true..
my mummi is a simple lady who is easily satisfied. always like to ask me for comments but hor i always so pek chek.. dunno why talk to her always this manner.. must change lohs~
apart from work, nth much le .. vin was missing mi cos i cant ms with him so often liao.. out of no where come msn find me instead of the usual ms lols.. nan de sia.. thankie bro !!!
gw's bdae coming too.. dunno what to get for him and who's going .. haiis so sianz.. hate the way that's friends around me is appearing as.. all dont wanna organise anything .. end up me again or else if i dont.. everyone jus ignore and pretends nth happens.. no one wanna do anything .. what da h*** man ~
arghh guess i jus got to be a indifferent guy from them.. hahas ~ it's late .. and hope you guys take care out there ~ oh ya i gonna change a blogskin and song too .. maybe over da weekends .. wait till then ..
gd nite my friends ~
01 November 2006
oh man, i spent the day reading notes today..
all about some security procedures.. it's kinda bore !!!
Luckily towards the end of the day, ivan taught me something .. regarding the system.. wee boon was also giving me an idea of how it works.. i jus got to pay attention, listen and grap hold of some main details.. thankie .. zeena wasnt around todae, on urgent leave, hope nth is wrong..
after work went to recruit express .. met winnie, felt kinda weird.. she's like kinda biz minded.. asked why i didnt look for her for a job.. she say she got the job i want.. but i was like =.= *sweats.. and the prob is, she didnt even remember me when i called her jus now.. so disappointed.. yet she still ask me this kinda quest.. anyway i am not going to work for her anymore after i gt my pay back by 15th hopefully hehes..
i know quite a few of my kakis have yet to find job in this society.. not bragging, but i believed in my agent.. and if you guys dont mind can send your resume to mhr@pacific.net.sg attention to clara. She's from mhr agency. Hopefully she do have some position that catered to your interests. Good luck to you all and hope that you guys can get a job sooon.. =))
Not forgetting, i smsed quite a few of the "MC" kakis.. i believed i'm going to get a gathering soon with you guys towards the end of nov after kp and hc ord.. Try to keep urself available kaes?
Do leave me a tag if you guys patronise my blog .. =O
Enjoy your everydays ..
Cheers !!!