21 February 2007
i just cant think well recently .. since vdae ..
didnt realli know whether isit right or wrong to make that move..
but i realli enjoyed that moment in time .. even if it onli lasted onli then..
i cant help but kept thinking of her..
I knew what she said the next day was right, i cant disagreed cos i felt the same..
maybe it's not time yet, too rush into things becos it's vdae maybe ?
god knows, but i know it takes more time ..
by then i dunno what i would become .. now i know i shld focus back on my studies..
where i left 2 weeks ago, i need to complete my works soon else i gonna deprive myself of 5%.
i realli wanna work hard but i need a push which no one realli given me .. everyone seems occupied with his/her thingy..
seriously, i dont realli understand what girls thinking or rather at times, i realli lost in what is on their mind .. i tried to ask but i gt no answer, it jus makes me wonder more .. i feel so down, guessing without results.. i dunno if i will get an ans too.. will i ? so secretive .. i so sianz ..
i dont wanna guess !!!~ tried tired ..
this two nites, cant realli slp well, not realli becos i went out or i chatted with a fren .. but jus that i dont feel like slping .. the me now just wanna type everything out in my mind, cos i know i gonna explode soon if i realli kept it in myself~!!!
liking somebody is not easy while being together with somebody is even harder ..
eeuuuu~ the feeling jus suxs~! but i'm determine to throw all this away when i wake up tml..
i'm not going to think anymore! i wanna be my edzz, tony whatever and carry on where i stopped few weeks ago.. angry with myself .. why get distracted at this moment..
hopefully this wed i can get a change of color in my hair and trim it to a style that suits me..
i realli hated my disorganise hair style, frizzy curly whatever you call it..
anyway to those who dunno me, i also play maple story! it's not kiddy kaes, i jus play becos there's friends companying me .. it's fun, try it ~!! although it dont comes with impressive graphic, it does have cute characters in it kaes..
New year is great, i saw a lot of relatives over this period of times... It's a great year of ang baos, thanks my bro, he contributed to most of my funds. *hug*
I love my two aunts alot but one of them dislike my mum, often blicker which i think isnt realli neccessary since they are both like 60 yrs old .. I just wish for peace btw them.. i dont like to see this .. i love them .. great aunts that adore me and bros.. and now my niece..
I jus feel bad for my colleague this very day cos her's hubby lost his grandma..
felt sorry for him.. it's a great times to be enjoying but this kinda of things happened..
She will not be coming to work for like one week, that's sad.. just hope everything will be fine, cos i know the grandma will be going to somewhere better, leading a new life .. =
Not forgetting cat, she's like so sick now, every darn illnesses hopping onto her ..
i jus pray and wish for her to be fine soon cos i hate this kinda of things happening, feels pain for her too.. rem to take care ah..
then i rem carol, i jus pray for ur results to show nth, cos i know it'll be very disastrous if something that kind realli befall on you.. choi! choi! choi! i just hope that you'll be fine. That's all..
the rest i cant realli advise you but rest assure, this jie mei will be with ya if you need someone.
whoever you are out there reading this blog, rem life isnt about taking, but it's abt giving ..
all my wishes and prayers want is that all of you stay healthy and most imptly happy..
rest is not within my reach ..
jiayou!!! find yr own life !?!!!
06 February 2007
Browsing my gd old pics in friendster from friends and mine.. I saw this picture. Actually i did wanted to post this up a long time ago. This is a great picture and i love the smiles on our faces. I miss those good old days in my life where i spend the time working out become a "fitdo".It's my honour to know all 3 of them and the rest in my bmt days. Now that we have gone separated ways, i do wish you guys all da best!!!

Cheers!!!` by creal`
Hey pples it's like lecture 7 oreadi~ Oh my goodness...
Time is flying realli fast pace at the moment.. I got like a couple more lectures and tutorials to go man before my final paper on 12March if i havent mistaken the date.
I'm abit behind time but i believe i can still make it while doing so, i'm fearing for my lil bro who is in the same course as me.. i believe i just got to make that effort to teach him soon else he would like be lost totally .. hopefully or rather ideally i hope we can all cross over to the next pace as a whole gang.. I dont want anyone to lack behind including that jason who i thought i wouldnt even care.
One way or another i just want to help, or i am old enough to do so..
I got to feel the maturity in me growing as i know me myself isnt realli that thinkable and workable yet with my ignorant mindset which still resides in me.. Hopefully i can have that clear mind going on that very day. *prays*
Today handed in the assignment while the next is here. Gonna take a look and figure it out.
Pray that i know how else it's gonna be a disaster =X Think alot this few days, it just make my eyes go x_X with a tired mind, i realli cant think that fast. even my colleague thought that i'm like 3 beats behind time, or maybe more.. simply *sotong*
Tml gonna catch the show "Babel" it's gonna be great.!
Share with you guys when i catch it tml evening hehehe..
Oh ya, at this very moment, someone shld be enjoying da chalet like our "xiao qi".
Sms me what going bbq, indirectly tempted my cravings for food .. awww..
I gonna chop you!!! Still offer me raw ones ... eeuuuu~
Let's enjoy this period of festive new yr and wish everyone healthy and happi!
That's what i wished for you guys out there..
04 February 2007
Hi guys~!
I'm doing fine though ..
I'm starting to pick up momentum along the way..
The route towards my programming life seems workable now..
Started to plan for other upcoming stuff for my life ..
Zhen tou tong .. Hope everything goes smoothly..
Had a couple of quiz and 2 assignments handed up already..
With much hope, i'm thinking that i'm actually doing well..
3rd assignment is in progress now, it's getting tougher.. but i know that i'm not alone, the several gd friends that i gt in class, seems willing to help each other.. thank goodness..
I'm also trying to help my lil bro in class with programming though i'm onli half proficient.
Sometime i wondered if he did want to learn or isit whether programming is simply too hard for him to master.. I'm thinking and thinking whether i shld put in more effort to tutor him what i know..
I think i shld anyway .. hopefuly i can come out with something out of my schedules ..
quite free though on weekends but it's save for assignment, bball, some other thingy which will come along da way..
I had a long long slp today.. hopefully that help to balance some of the tired mind of mine recently.. feel abit down but i know i can pick up as long as i start cracking haha.. weird me though ..
Didnt realli go out much these days beside after class, with my lil bro and buddy ..
Didnt see hairol for a week plus cos his hp is down lols.. poor bro..
Didnt see cong for like 3 weeks alrdy, i dunno why.. busy ??
but the moral of the story is .. "Growing up suxs a big time ~!!!"
One more thing, pls .. No more anything .. I need something for an answer =
Oh ya one more thing:
Anyway, my fren is taking in some Nail Polish brand (OPI) from america.. If you ladies are interested in that, can take a look at her blog over here. http://visuallyblind.livejournal.com .
If ya wish to get something from her, feel free to drop me a msg.