26 September 2007
It was a night of memories, we walked past the good old TM and century sq which have been surviving thru the years... remember those days where robbie, ck, zeng and gang been wandering around when we'were 'free' Having vegetable mixed rice at CS is a norm, arcade was then part of our life.
Just had a simple meal @ FC as we're broke lols. The phenomenon always occured by the end of the month. ='( There's alot of stuff on the wanted list which i wished to buy hahas. Die le, even worse. Hope sat can find some new hairstyle @ beng's usual salon. *prays*
Cant wait for fri to see you guys man! and Sinyee has replied me:
Check out your uow webmail or the SOLS website i think. There will be a way. Hope everyone does better than expected! Hope heaven is fair to everyone of you hehes. Continue to jiayou people! =))
With snaps of eyebrows, the day ended... aww didnt do anything much besides work, work and just work! So boring, hope school starts faster.. i can wait no longer. =/ Today met up with Danson an engineer who is only 21 yrs old! Omg! i admited, i must be getting old.. sobs` We had chicky rice, it was a great meal as kim ordered chick, vege and dumpling soup! WoW! This meal can last me for entire day man hahas. Came back after work directly for dinner and some mooncake. Oh ya it's moon cake festival today! May you guys out there enjoy a blissful everyday ^^
Oh ya, my SIM people! pls take note that the gathering for upcoming friday (28/09/07) is confirmed. We will meet at Novena Mrt @ 6.30 PM, to avoid any disruption to the time booked, pls be punctual! I know its' hard, but ... pls la.. hahahas !!! Those who last minute chu pattern, pls at least call me or drop me an sms kaes! Cheers ! =D
24 September 2007
Met hairol and matt on saturday night. Men's night huh! Had been running here and there along orchard as some one is looking for adidas slipons seen in TOPMAN. lols! Ate Seafood platter for two @ fish and co. Darn shiok! Best item you can eat there man! Some day, you got to try! That's when we caught the move 'The curse'. Some singlet caught my attention in New Urban Male and i took a pic! After catching the show, we went for tea @ the open space concept kopitiam @ youth part. We chat alot on the movie haha.
Had a great walk with cake along clark quay on friday. The whole place was occupied by the crowd who is eager to enjoy the festive atmosphere. Alot of phototaking were taking place that night, needless to say i played a part in it too!
(One couple with $1.65 is unable to fit the bill, guess who?)
23 September 2007
Late last night, we three musketeers once again catch another movie. And this time the show was none other than 'The Curse'. It sounded creapy and make us feel uneasy but ... It was a show that seemed like a documentary. Something different from what you usually see in horror films.
It's abt a guy who investigates on supernatural happennings in the country and his encounters with several victims. The movie consisted of several varieties shows, self-captured videos and some form of rituals conducted in the older japan.
To be frank, the movie does not appeal to me, however it may to those interested in something different. As i say, if you dont try, you wouldnt know what is the outcome.
*The curse
I am back! Had dinner with dear over last weekend and havent been able to upload yet hahas. Usual us who eat, shop and stroll along the streets of cityhall.. Had a gd chat at esplanade. Thanks ! =D
21 September 2007
oops !!! i have been meddling with blogs these days when counter strike failed to run and maple unable to catch my attention anymore... haha think i gonna give up on gaming.. sianz and even too tired to game. these nights have been up to 1plus to play with blog, nth much to do since no game is available to poor me.. Intro some free game to me leh someone!!! some day, i am going to die of boredom!
Counting down to start of class in 1++ week time. Results will be out in the coming week (supposingly). As usual i cant wait to get back to school days, it's much more appealing than the boring and taxing work life.. The slacking school days where everyone hope for is still available to me and i am going to cherish it along with my bros.
Today was a crazy day, little calls but alot of work involved to deal with each call. Yucks man when people kept pushing the cases around when they dunno what to do. They think by saying dunno meaning they win liao ? NO, DEFINITELY NOT !!! Those dumb ass who did this is going to suffer in the future, not every darn things is always and ever in placed for them. I am not going to give in again to those 'basketball'. *RAWR*
Work until quite late today just because of some darn clearance thingy that i couldnt get a answer from. The whole world think that their case is the most important and none wanna assist when the solution is at their doorstep. What are they thinking man ?
Anyway quit thinking abt those sulky matters.
Spoken to beng and gw earlier on, they are still working and finally ended closed to 11pm. =.= What kinda 2p process is that !?!!! dumb procedures.. Sometimes i wonder, these procedures are created by human and they cant find a solution for what they did ? -.- That's simply dumb !!!
Whatever` i gonna sleep... let's leave these matter aside and hope for a better tomorrow. Tkcare guys, cya soon ! =D
Cheers!!!` by creal`
19 September 2007
Still remember the day we saw the shooting star together at vivo, i never forget that moment, very special and amazing. She was with me gazing at the moving ray across the skies... instead of watching the whole span of the scene, she gathered her hands and closed her eyes while i watched the whole process and mumbled some prayers. it was indeed very beautiful! She has been with me since then hehe`
From the time i know her, many events have taken place such as her completion of degree, graduation, looking for jobs and getting employed. She has stabilised and worked for quite a few months already.
And me as usual studying and working at the same old place. I am just praying for a better me to complete the degree in style. Work is tiring but simple though there is alot of communications and complications involved. I kinda the like the environment where david v and soh are becoming more and more bond together. The new uncle was kinda slow in picking the details, but i hope that somehow he can catch all the information we taught or at least a lil of what we tell him. I jus hope the people will help each other at work so that at the end of the day, everyone can say i did my best to help ! =D
I was stoning actually, hate to slp earli and wake up earli but no choice. Anyway the bus No 5 often screw up, perhaps i should start taking my train better. It either packed with dogs and cats or it disappeared like it never exist in the beginning. The feeling of reaching office close to 9am doesnt rock, cos i work at 830am! ahh ... sianz.
Just had a simple day, had a fulfilled lunch of bak ku teh and pig trotter ! Taste so wOw ! haha got to start a lil exercises now and then. i am going to get weights to start training my arms to carry my increasing fats lols!
Yys's bdae jus passed i think, didnt do anything for him. Perhaps everyone is busy or maybe lazy. Thought of a gathering but it was cancel, tough luck brother. Hope we guys can get together to Johor for a meal. Your treat hor bear ! =D hehes` Anyway wanna wish you a Happi Bdae too! Hope u accidentally view this hahas..
by creal`
Manage to capture some of the pictures of my friends using my new phone hehe.. They are really nice cool people who evolves around me haha. thanks!!!
Do you believe in what you see in the mirrors ??? ...
Now look below !!!
*Pictures taken from the Limited Edition shop in Far East Shopping Centre. Feel free to drop by to take a look keke`
Guess who did da poses for the puppies !!! So cute and adorable and maybe a lil obscene !?!!`
*Pictures taken from MiniToon @ Suntec hehes`
Look at da pictures below, from "Xiao Yuan Super Star" hahaha !!! Luckily me and my dear manage to caught a glimpse of the rising stars and capture them with my K810i, thought the quality doesnt seems that great yet because they're kinda far. Hope the pictures will satisfy the urge of her fren who wanted to check out keely. =D
*Pictures taken at Plaza Singapura @ Orchard
I am trying to get online but seems like i cant !!!` awww... another no online day... sob` Now trying the online messenger !!! hahas.. something wrong with my PC again. I guess its lifespan is up this time.. God blast you !!!
Had a busy days with lotsa calls and emails .. crazzzzyyyyyy!!!! I wanna complain !!! why so many dumb ass calling everyday regarding big or small details... Can they just find out once and rem how they solve the problem the previous time? People just dont learn!!! awww !!!! At least if they want to seek assistance, cant they just spare us some respect and patience! ROAR..!!!!
Nevermind those dumb people, this is da second week of holidays, i cant wait for sch to start man.. i miss my .kok bros lols.. They are so funny!!! haha.. nowadays they work like shit till 8 or 9 pm .. shag! unlike me who can go off so early but yet felt the same level of tiredness as them. I wanna rest but yet i need the cash to survive too so work hard. Strive people!!!
Today went funan to check out laptop bags but found out that they are so small ! my big arse HP notebook cant even fit in the openning. Perhaps i gt to bring it to get the notebook on one of these days .. sianzation.. alot of things to do but i realli lazy mode.. everyday stone and stone haha..
Wonder how's everyone doing man.. Drop me a tag pls... For your information, the X X X X just below the blog picture is the link to the links, my profile and the tag board if you .kok people cant see like some who already message me =X Tkcare!
Cheers!!!` by creal`
18 September 2007
I went to working in my sleepy mode today lols. Endure throughout the 9 hours of work lols.. The day was a busy one, incredibly lotsa calls.. Sometimes i realli need a break off all these calls.. I promise myself, i am never going to go back to this trade when i get my degree!!! Simply too brain taxing hahas..
Ate da famous chicky rice today, such a nice delicacy ahahas.. These days i eat more than i exercise lols.. Got to start cracking and get my body going else my IPPT going to kill me.. lols!
Oh ya sat already bought da mooncake with my cake hahas.. crispy yam with pumpkin flavour mooncakes.. it tastes so good !!! you guys better try if you like yam flavour ones.. or perhaps maybe can get bakerinnz snowskin moonskin, the rum and rasin rocks!
Nth much today, manage to struggle and finish the variety shows and saw part of the last episodes for the 'bao bei fu nu bin' but i ended the struggle midway, zzz until 1130hrs lol.. Dear was laughing at me .. hmmm...
Saw sgt kian yong adding me in friendster! so happy!!! Kinda miss and dont miss my army life. The memories are so wonderful and i kinda love it but it will kill me to work there lols. Remember william, yuehong, brian, khoo and a few others.. William is still da best sgt lols like bro like that so good to talk to. Hope everyone is fine and working hard! I am going to rock too you can bet. Perhaps it's time to sleep!
Cheers!!!` by creal`
15 September 2007
awww... Prolink made me fking wake up early to bring my dumb modem for a firmware upgrade... ahhhh!!!! i only slept for five. Let's hope everything works after the upgrade, i dont want my newly bought lappie to face any delay in its utilisation due to my kok pc who doesnt come with any RJ45, i cant do anything to realli check. Let's hope it's nth concerning my HP lappie. It looks great and of cos, i want it to perform as well.
Later i am meeting cake to purchase some mooncakes hehe, i think my mother wanted to get my bro to buy but always didnt dare to bring it up. Perhaps that's why i offered on behalf lols.. She wanted some crispy skin yam flavoured mooncake! sounds nice to me too lols.
Oh ya jus a moment ago, cat text me and say that i appeared in her dreams lols.. So funny haha!, i must be acting like a clown or something in her dreams. Wonder how's everything going for her hahas... always mia ho ho ho ...
Ok ok let's get prepare to set off before dogs and cats prevent me from doing so lols. Enjoy your day everyone!
Cheers!!!` by creal`
Woo... surprising i found some momentum back at the moment to blog. I had a peaceful day at work, a enjoyable dinner of 'huo guo' yum yum, didnt eat much and it doesnt taste as good loh.
It was reali great to see matt and peifen hehe.. my childhood friends man. It has been quite some time since we gather and play at the playground where we met as friends. 'Chicky wing! Chicky wing!' is what they addressed me at that time which until today is still vividly in my mind and theirs. We have long been realli fun frens. Counting the number of years we known each other for using my fingers, used up all of them. It has been 10 long years.
Last minute decision brought me to their aunt's home. She didnt recognised me right away but until much clarification she 'Oh you are the one ah!' hahas so funny. She still remember me wor hehe.. We had a mahjong session loh, so tiring and energy consuming. It literally drained every single drop of them until i felt abit giddy when i stand up lols.. disgusting feeling man lols. Matt my great fren lose a hefty sum in the last game to me and let me recover my losses hehe. thanks!
Just reached home, showered and chatted with hairol. He's so busy man, university is realli draining his concentration on it aww... Miss those days we shop freely with matt, though i didnt buy much, i was their advisor lols.. Pyschoism rocks` hahas.. Let us pray for more energies for the closed ones around me whom i cherished as both frens and family.
Cheers!` by creal`
13 September 2007
After so long, i am back again to my blog.. Seems like i have received many many complains of no updates. So okay, i am here hehe`
This months of mia, i placed my focus on my studies and a new girl i have met. Her name is liwen or you can call her my cake. We gt a special relationship of bun and cake. Our relationship started off with a bright shooting star along the skies vivo city. It was a unexpected surprise.
The secondth term ended with great results of 2 HDs in my pocket. I think you got to call that luck and not skill lo but no one believe me .. lols... i gt 50% skills and 50% luck perhaps lols.
This term which has just ended wasnt that splendid, i doubt the results is going to bring me surprise this time round. Anyway i tried, i realli tried but it wasnt as hard i guess. I gt off to a slow start and lethargicly gone thru the whole term. Can you guys buck up anot !!! Being late isnt fun always !!!` so sianz of that actually. Instead of correcting them, i gt affected as well lols.. where's my endurance!!!!

Now i just hope the results doesnt show that i suck that much and awaits the new term to start as i hated working life !!! It is really tiring but however not bore. The people are great people though some are like wise. It depends.
Tag me, click on 4 different colours 'x' to toggle between pages.
Let me know how's everyone is doing !
Cheers!!!` by creal`