30 October 2007
For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks - You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.
A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Read this & Send the link to a friend. It could save a life. So, please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about.
26 October 2007
SIanz, i guessed i am sick! ahhhh.... Tomorrow working after that meet them for assignments omg! crazy! hope i can get things going tomorrow. I dont wanna slack and warbook le! Help! =x
22 October 2007
I had wished Caroline for her bdae hehe. But seems like someone keep "why! why!" so i decide to post big big bdae wishes to her hehes!
Happy Birthday to you gal!!!
May all your wishes come true, stay strong and healthy!!!
Cheers!!! xD
Crazy madness obsession in completing the assignments in time. We gt no choice but the assignments is rushing towards us in pairs cos there's 2 modules. Just finished both assignments, though there's some problem here and there, i gt no time to investigate and rectify further. Perhaps due to the incompetent me or my 'poly-like' mates. Every day seems like the past old daes but i believe i couldnt afford to be that way already since we are paying like almost 30k in this disgusting, worries felt degree. From day 1 start, there's ever increasing complains of this sch, its lecturers and how fuk up the administrations can be. For your own sake, pls DO NOT select SIM unless you gt no choice like me!~ Anyway since i am in, i am pretty determined to do well but that's not wat i could assure due to the many factors that co-existed with this 'dream'.
Todae finally 'really started' on Facebook. Believe it or not, it offers a WIDE RANGE of application and i really mean WIDE! Madness to see such a long list of applications requests since i joined Facebook for a few weeks only! Had fun playing some of the applications, some are really crappy. To summarise, it realli provide anything under the sun. Perhaps you guys shld gif a go on it if you have been avoiding its friend request like me, for probably since a year ago!
20 October 2007
hmm it's a rainy friday. Woke up late, having freaking tummyache while i was on da train to work today. The pain was unbearable and disgusting. Resulted in me seeking shelter to release the crap at cityhall instead of novena where i shld be. euuu but luckily it's over.
It was a wet afternoon, a sudden change of weather let us experienced a thunderstorm. Florence left stranded in the rain while we people go back first but i went back to pick her up hehe. Thought it was very gd to leave someone in the cold cos i dunno when the other grp will come down to pick her up.
Finally went back to the same store to eat my fav fish soup but however i think the boss forgot who i am cos i havent been there for a long time. My hair turned brown too lols.
The start and mid of the day was not very encouraging until i met my cake. She made me feel comfortable and nice to be with. We had ajisen and watched the launch of the new subaru impreza at taka basement main floor. The event seemed magnificent, only to be spoil by a newbie host who doesnt appeal to the crowd. It was a abit 'cold' in that situation where only the subaru staffs were the onli respondents to his call.
Bought a simple tee from gior which cost onli 13 bucks hahas. My type of simple tee for my daily sch life. Sch work is getting tedious, alot of tough work coming up, hope things will get well as i start to focus more on my 2nd module where i am still kinda lost. Hope tml can learn something when i meet up with beng, gw and maybe qq hehe =) Thanks guys!
Nite! xD
18 October 2007
Omg, i am struggling with this CSCI 235 module! It's crazy, i understand simply nothing, now got to strive on my own. Pls dont ask me anymore qns! I simply got too many questions, probably more than you can imagined! I am going to bed now and wake up to continue to struggle tml. Good luck pples! Teach me if you can help but pls no more questions for me...
I think it will be great to go for holidays, perhaps me and cake will enjoy the relaxing time. Guess wat pples, i have not been to genting before. Like so 'kuku' sob.. maybe this time shld start with going there first hehe. But first, let me get my studies right on track first. God bless me =))
Jiayou pples, dont gif up but also dont SLACK too long cos time is running out ...
15 October 2007
Hey people, i have eaten twice @ HK cafe @ Cineleisure, so far so gd. THe thick toast with peanut butter 'Sauce' rocks alot man! You better dig in whenever you can! hahas! Try drinking the 'yuan yang' too!
Me and matt ate the cheese baked pork chop spagetti! It wasnt realli up to our standard beside the tasty pork chop. The noodles was lacking of tomato sauce taste while the cheese seemed amazingly alot. hahas. Overall it still taste not bad though.
Caught Resident Evil 3 @ Extinction @ 1050hrs. It was actually a great film with a slightly insignificant ending where the boss mob did not impress the crowd. Seemed like the show will continue to have No 4. in its upcoming series which will take place in Tokyo, Japan. Let's wait and see how it goes oh! Anyway you can bet you wont waste your money on this show because of its explosive actions and its thrilling scenes.
LOL it's just a steamboat actually. It was on the friday which had jus passed! The day was a realli simple not so busy one but however the assignment was killing me. Luckily zj was helping me alot. Thanks bro! hahas. Wonder how the rest are doing, i hope they have started cos i dont wish to see them rushing through and failing to meet their expectations. Good luk!
It was a great nite, saw daniel! Yay! As usual so cute but he had turned slightly plump like me! Oh shit! To be frank, i am waiting to take IPPT though i havent book! Haiz. Hmm i think i gt to start planning and striving for that day that is coming soon!
Eaten alot @ the steamboat lor, it was a hungry day, no breakfast for me due to the bz morning. The afternoon was used for assignment. I'm so preoccupied already hahas. Crazy! Hope things get lesser overtime so i can take a breath.
After steamboat, we had icecream @ mac. Dumb! Eat and eat.. haha. Biao best lor, say go just go.. faint! Bth him lah! The rest still same, everyone's hairstyle still remain hahas. Cw bought a bike and finally begin riding. *pray* for him =x Let's hope everyone stay happi, strong and positive till da next time hehes. =))
Beng and gw jioed me to FHM event held @ ARENA pub on thursday but it was such a turn off. The ladies contestants never realli turn me up! euuuu!!! =/ HHahaha anyway, i got myself a FHM magazine which i had jus passed to my gf, and some other interesting items hahahas..
It was rather a pleasure to watch the liveband after the event. The ladies and guys in the band dressed up so cool! I love it man! hahas.. Very interesting, as matt says perhaps i am having a revolution to change what i am hahahas.! =p
Oh ya, must thx beng beng for jioing me hahahas. Met a few of his friends like jason, and his gf while the other i couldnt quite remember hahahs. Ooops! shhh! xD The other guy was realli enthu in his work under panasonic company. Hope he can excel in there lo =O He also let me know that it's not easy being an engineer hahas.. Jialat liao! =/
Gotten TopMan voucher for matt and puma jacket for Mr grumpy hehes. Hope they both likes what they have got. Though celebrations were simple but it meant every drop of sincerity we wanna show as friends who met in this small sg land.
Celebrated with Matthew on Wed Nite hahas.. By then already been studying with hairol and zj for the whole afternoon already. Shag!!! Was realli exhausted trying to do my programming assignments. Lucky still had enough energy to celebrate the nite with him and hairol hahas.
We ate @ Jack's place where waiters dressed like SBS bus drivers with their pale green suits lol!!! DId some stupid stuffs like getting someone to serve us the tea and coffee right before the main course hahahas.. Almost sabo a waiter. He was caught in between when he did our foolish request and his supervisor was like questioning his credibility. fainted!
Anyway, we treated Matt steak! Woo! Sounds yummy but actually it was jus alright only. Hairol did as planned, ordered a brownie with icecream and with a candle! Hahah he was surprised! Hopefully stunned hahas. We ignored the crowd and sang da bdae song !!! hahahahas.. Ended took many tonnes of pictures! =P
As for wj, we three (beng and gw + me la) combined power and bought a PUMA jacket for him, didnt cost realli much. It looks not bad though, gw and beng choose de hahas. Must like it hors GRUMPY else i call you 204 next time =x lols! Thanks for da pizza meal @ Pizza Hut, it tasted better than the past. hahas! Cheers!
14 October 2007
Had a realli busy where suddenly everything came at the same time but not the right time. Mon supposed to meet hairol but i felt too tired to land myself in vivo to get the present for matt.
Jus had a short dinner with beng and gw after class @ Cineleisure where we ate the korean BBQ as recommended by some radio station. It wasnt realli that good though. We ate 3 diff chicks like korean grill, ginseng and the original chick. Seems like all three dont live up to their brand. I thought it was rather a high class KFC placed on plates with an one time higher price to pay than a fastfood. So what do you think?
09 October 2007
Companying me now is my lappie. i dunno if it is finally dead, still running jus that no display. Perhaps the motherboard gave up or wat i'm not sure. I am going to have a busy week, seems like everyday appt are fully packed. Sorry dear cake! =/ Hope to catch up with everyone though, reall dun wanna miss any of them too cos everyone is impt to me.
Day 1 since family left w/out me. I didnt feel anything, cos to me onli mom left, bro and family have been out of my family yr 04 since they moved to their new home. Been realli independent and dependent in different ways.
Today realli dumb me, spent a long time @ challenger choosing lappie's home. Luckily found one. Though not beri fitting, still quite ok la, affordable too $17.90 thx to kim's challenger card. Thanks! =)) But still late for class eventually cos wait for da two guys again. haiz.... abit depressed le.. then reach class hors, no MS OFFICE, i forgot all abt that. then notes files cannot be open. Then today totally sianz le, kept chatting with zj online, check blog, literalli not listening to him. Hope i can still catch up in time though.. *pray*
Now i am going to sleep and forget abt today. I still believe tml will be a better day if u haf faith in it! Cheers! =))
07 October 2007
Early morning, i dreamt the scene where i sent my family off @ da airport right before i was awaken my mom. lols! So weird!?!! So in total, i sent them off twice! hahahs. Anyway, i wish them that they will take alot alot of pictures, enjoy themselves and have fun! My stubborn dad did not follow though as usual. I DUN UNDERSTAND!!! Its' free! (Sponsored by bro) but he didnt follow da crowd! Fainted. He's simply a traditional, simple old man. You guys know, i realli hope he can tag along cos i know he havent been abroad for like almost a decade already. I want him happy and enjoy life like any other parents of yours. i tried to encourage but nth is able to move his determination.
Anyway, i had a sweet morning. The lil one gave me two kisses on da cheek and a hug!!!?!! First time ever! =x Thanks to lil Han, she's my adorable niece who can realli mess ur home if u let her to. hahas.. She's is extremely active when it comes to playing toys. Our kinship between my bro and me werent that close actually, thru yrs we seemed like strangers until that year where he gt married and gave birth to the little one. Started to talk more in recently but however still consider lil i guessed. I think i jus gt to put in more effort to maintain our brotherhood yeah!
Met up rob and gang today but as usual we faced da same phenomenon! Raining! The clouds seemed to follow them to da court everytime recently. They werent complaining that i am early recently and that's why the rain befall on them. So they were requesting that i be LATE as usual next outing! *FAINTED* ok ok i'll try and ssee how things goes. hahahas! One word "LAME!"
Actually wanna go out with cake to get laptop bag de but i guess it's jus not da rite time, i shld gif her some space to meet ur parents who is coming back lata from thailand.
Perhaps i shld learn to gif and take in every occasion. Try to help everyone who needs it. The tv prog last nite kinda inspired me a lil. Some HK doctor show on chan 8. It's nice and meaningful though its jus a show. Occasionally when i feel down, i'll stone infront of the tv but most of da time, i get to see such inspiring program. Dunno isit becos there's too many of such prog in recently yrs or it is fated that i get to watch the show and reflect on myself. Sometimes things cannot be explained, dont you agree!?!!
First i wanna say sorry to matt and the rest! SorrY! As usual perhaps due to my bad habits i am late. This time miss da trip to celebrate matt's bdae. Realli wanna to go but however wasnt in the right mood. Paiseh la! Anyway i jus wanna wish you happi and hope u enjoy! Definitely rite! =))
The whole day was bz, the class flooded as usual, the latecomers like us was relegated to the back sitting behind standalone chairs without tables. I also dunno, maybe SIM shld get a bigger LT for us or perhaps we shld be earlier the next time. Either way, we all must compromise. No more shit from us else i bet this will be a disaster term again. I realli want to excel, pls by all means help me and yourselves too kaes!?!!!
I wanna rock the lecturer once again like i did before, i bet i can. Let's do it together this time but shld be harder now as competition get tougher. Dont gif up! Challenges are meant to be overcome!
06 October 2007
Hihi my comex kakis, finally meet you all after a year. sooo long!!! omg omg omg... cant believe we have been contacting in the virtual world since then. Still rem we struggled together @ comex last year in expo. Crazy A1 torturing us and misusing us as cheap labours.. Lousy food and treatment. Pls for heaven sake, DONT work for A1 Computer Shop!
Had dinner together @ AZABU SABO @ Marine Square hoho! As suggested by raymond, the desert there rocks. The main course tastes still alright. Seems kinda over priced for its quality and servings. Luckily UOB card members gt 10% dc hahas. 'zhuan dao' hehehes. Had long chats with each other, cracking cold jokes which i dont realli appreciate nowadays. hahas. okay la learn some though. Hope we'll see each other more often in da future haha, 1 year seems abit too long to remeet again. Anyway Cheers to Raymond who keep making our smiley day hahaha!
So where's the centre piece !?!!! hmmmm..
05 October 2007
Have been to class these two days for modules 204 and 235 respectively. On both occasion, we saw a similar scenarios! One interesting guy who has been entertaining us since day 1. Mr gan jiong who is rushing to copy every single thing that the lecturer says!!! OMG! Today even worse, we saw a even shocking thing. He actually got himself a voice recorder in the LT !!! *FAINTED* We were all gossiping abt him hahahas.. SO bad! but who cares oops! =x
Today Tham beri active sia, keep edwin edwin edwin!!! like free like that .. fainted! He kept calling my name to be used in his example of explaining the topics to the class. Weijun also kena too.. Suay! The most jialat is he even ask wj for his MSN Nick!!! As we all know! He's "Mr Grumpy!!!" hahahas... laugh until peng! But i nv sabo him la, he answer "204!" lols, lucky else we all laugh haha.. fainted, gw was guessing that he will from today onwards change his msn nick to "204" hahahs. wonder will he haha..
A short day today, met cake after sch as she seems to gao zi bi and i didnt let her be it so i'm there at the airport as well. She's quite happi hehe. Just chatted along with her @ Mac and time passed realli fast i thought. Bought a clip for her fren who is leaving the company. Simple but i think the sincerity shows it all.
04 October 2007
As usual we 3 musketeers didnt set the record to be early again. WE ARE LATE!!! Hahaahs!~ yeah but i promised the next day we are going to rock. Though late but i am focusing today hees perhaps i gt tramatised by the non-appealing results last term. Saw some interesting new faces today but they flooded the class! We were like 20 minutes late but yet no more seats or rather lil is left for us! OMG! We ended up splitting up into twos, me and wj while beng and gw. hahas. The lecture was like a story telling lesson. He talked alot and seemed like it was story that he is sharing.
Wanted to ask wj for dinner with us but as usual he isnt free today. Surprisingly cat date us 3 out for dinner instead. SHe droved us and we got to holland village! Didnt ate any gd food, jus normal hawker but we talked alot or maybe is beng sharing his story with cat hahas. Me and gw stoning away hahahas. Didnt go anywhere after that cos we're tired. Went home eventually.
Chatted with carol online and she has been diagnosed with costochondritis, heard from her that its da problem that cause swelling between the joints of the legs and hands. It wasnt fun to hear that though. I jus hope she'll be fine. *prays*
Then yl was struggling with her FYP, she's still no head/tail where to begin and what to ask for in her project. It seemed so hard that i started wondering how will mine be. Hahahas. Hopefully by then i am prepared for it! Anyway, gd luck yl! Jiayou oh!
Oh ya forget say Happi Bdae to my god daughter hahas and i am her 'mummy', it may sound kinda complicating hahahas. Happy Birthday to you gal! May you enjoy the happiness and colours of what life may offer for you! =D
Tonight, i was browsing other blogs and found many interesting stuff to add in my blog, dont mind but i am jus having fun! Please do the Frenzy Test on the right if you're free. Simple 8 qns test hahahs! Cheers! =))
03 October 2007
Today, i finally got my pass to da building i am working at. It was a long hassle as i always need to ask people to book me in to work. It's so troublesome but thanks all the da ges and da jies who helped me! Cheers!
My photo beri ugly le, that time no sleep well even though now also ahhas.. Gotten a pair of panda eyes, so yucks but i dunno how to get rid off except to slp well which i cant! hahas..
Today passed short and sweet as i kept thinking of school tomorrow hehe. Great start and i am going to meet my classmates. Juz as excited as i was in secondary school or even poly lols.. =X Cant wait to talk cork with them man hahahas. Hope the new term marks a new beginning for all of us. Jiayou !!! =D
Oh ya i havent planned for this friday, where to go man die.! Hey xiao di, xiao mei and xiao qi, i booked you 3 le hors, dont put da ge aeroplane! I dunno how to fly sure crashed one! Suggest where to go le, i dunno leh.. plsss..
Had a simple dinner with dan gao tonight, chat abit and finally given her the CD which i have bought from Gramaphone @ The Cathay. I was strolling on my own when i ventured into this shop which i dun usually do. Perhaps i'm fated to get it for her. hahas. Hope you like it oh! =)) It's Jay Zhou - Secrets.
That's all for tonight, see ya people soon! =D
02 October 2007
Went out with gw in the sun afternoon without beng and alan cos they two not free, Sobs =/ Anyway, luckily gw beri fun one lols, i pyscho him abit bought two tees and i bought one pair of slim jeans and tees haha. great! Something different also la, else always wear the old clothes also sianz ahaha. I think he is quite happi but abit worri abt the transformer tees. I think it shld be fine la, buy le must be confident loh! Just wear it ! =D
I'm still thinking of getting new spec man. I realli wanted one cos the current one started to rust, and the edges seems scratch. sob! haiz. The problem with spectacle! Awww... Hate to be spectacle bonded.!!!
Also met Hairol at night after gw left cos i think he needs to rest so i went to walk on my own. Somehow perhaps we too click, haha.. even buy stuff also can buy the same hahahas. Just went HMV and listen to songs from Mandy moore and Corrinne May. They rock i can tell you ! hahas.. Chatted with Hairol along the way till we reach starbucks. He told me and discussed some knowledge on the Future Cola in china and the normal Coca cola from overseas. Did some comparisons and stuff like that hahas.. Didnt realli help much but i guess his brain is still working well though he havent been resting well these days where sch started and when most of his effort falls on the girl he's after hahahas. =X shhh...
Anyway, i realli wish you all the luck possible but i hope when you did something, it is for the happiness of everyone =)) Cheers!
Met beng beng on sat! hahas, go disturb him then go find his hairstylist to trim my hair and give it a new look. I thought beng wasnt himself recently after chatting with him and gw the other night. Was actually writing abt him but i guessed i shldnt disclosed his secret hahas. Let time decide what is the solution bah. Jus focus on your life now, perhaps that is the best alternative you can seek for bro! Jiayou! We will all support you.
Anyway thanks beng for companying me all da way to my gal's home. hahas! I guess he and gw are the one more able to click better hahas cos more KOK hahahas. =X Pls dont slap me hahahs.
Afterall, i hate my hair cut and a new image .. (Chocolate hair) hohoho! =D Something different finally, i had my virgin hairdyed !! yeah mans! IT rocks and my gal like it too hahas, Thanks! We went vivo to shop, forgetting that the actual aim is to catch movies hahahas. Bought a jacket and bermuda hehe. So happi to shop! I didnt control my urge, jus spend and spend hahas. I love sales =X
Actually i wanna say sorry to those who attended the friday gathering @ novena sq man! Super paiseh, i didnt know the service provided was darn lousy. Although the food seems appealing but the service didnt even deserve any comment. Pls do not visit such irresponsible, low service quality or i should say NO service quality dining place again. I dont think it shld be even call a restaurant. Sianz man, sorry people. It was actually jus a simple gathering for a short chat, if wanna realli enjoy, perhaps next time you guys can org a full day thingy hahas. Hows' abt that!?!!
Luckily weijun never come, else he also kena hahahas! Anyway it's okay, we can always gather in school lols.. Hope my bros are free on wed den we can go eat together hahas. Wonder how's the new class like and how's da lecturer. Think that tham ii teaching us for one of that , cheers to him man! He roxs!!! hahas! Yay!!!