23 November 2007
I am facing a dilemma recently.. I suspected that i contracted chicky pox. I kept having rashes which are goose bump size. The dumbest thing is since i found out that i am having rashes last sunday, it havent develop into its pox form. I went to the doctor and he cannot confirm that it is chicky poxs. He just gave me rashes pills and calamine cream for the poxs. The dumbest thing is he didnt take any temperature for me but just ask me if i have the symtoms. DUMB leh! The worst thing is i dont even have any of those symtoms faced by chicky pox carrier, eg. fever, loss of appetite, body aches, blah blah blah.. Haiz, realli in a confused state.
My birthday was still very fulfilling and happy. Dear cooked for me that dae before the truth was revealed. Very delighted on the sight that she presented me with the black shoulder bag which i was looking for. So nice! Hairol and Matthew also celebrated with me @ Ichiban@esplanade. I was really very happy. They gt me a billabong wallet and some cash as a gift. Ah mao also contributed. Thanks realli from my heart. Not forgetting my best pals in SIM, gw, beng, grumpy for getting me a cool tee for my bdae. Thanks thanks !
Sorry for not being able to update cos as usual i lost the momentum, assignments piling recently in such a tight timeline and other factors. I will update more when i get well! Thanks for da concern.
Now i just pray for my dear's early recovery so she can doll up again and mine hoping that those 'goosebumps' are jus simple rashes. Oh ya, let's pray others dont get it during my unconfirmed period. Perhaps tomorrow or the dae after will be my judgement dae to confirm the dots on me. Exams are coming and i am unsure of my fate if i am able to take it. It will also affect my holidays in mid dec with my gf. Hope things goes as planned. Although i always advise friends to adapt to different scenarios, now is my turn to test my adaptability.
Pray with me...