30 September 2008
It was a really extremely boring day!!! I started the day under a drizzle, the air was cold. Everything went the lethargic way. Everyone moves slowly today.
There were lesser calls as i guessed most of the people are taking this chance to take leave for the long weekends till hari raya's arrival. Wednesday is holiday!!! I NO NEED TO WORK !!! muaahahahs, i feel so happy. Since school holidays arrives, my only holidays are weekends, sad me though. School is starting on saturday i guessed, havent download a copy of the schedule.
Well i guess i juz have to get prepare for the release of the results and the arrival of next term. Prepare myself like i am preparing for the F1 race, there must be no crew mistakes or personal mistakes this time round... Sad to say Massa was the victim of the first night race here. Raikkonen crashed the race when he was almost at the end of the race and there goes Ferrari...
Till then, be PREPARED !!!
29 September 2008
Below is the link for 篮球火 第10集 :)
28 September 2008
Well i had a great morning playing basketball. But i felt bad kinda injure my fren, he got a sprain i guess. Hope he's alrights. This is the first time i played basketball probably after a year. It has been really long since i really touched the ball. I was acting retarded during the first few games, slow to respond to rebound and stunned when people layout in front of me. Fortunately, a little past of me resumed at the last game when i impressed with a couple of layouts. hahas. (*i was thinking heng ahh.. =D)
Well tonight is F1 final, i doubt i could catch it in time. Actually i should be heading down to hospital now, but i am kinda restless, decided to take a break, probably leaving house very soon. Today is a hot day, my skin is burning after two days of workouts.
This morning i was wondering why dad manage to get a copy of TODAY when it is sunday today. When i take up the paper, i saw the Title "TONIGHT" hahahas.. Today is really doing additional coverage during this weekend for the race! Thumbs up !!! yeah..
Probably blogging again tonight, enjoy the day guys!!!
Oops almost forgot, tonight is the night for 篮球火 第10集.
Stay tune while i try to search for the links for my loyal folks :)
LoLz, added this funny tags link to differentiate the funny class mates i had. Also added cat's link on my blog. Hmm wonder why i havent been adding her since then i know her lol. Anyway i got it done. Take cares guys, i am going for basketball game NOW :)

Seriously, i dont really like F1, but however i will still sit in front of the TV and stare at the drivers going round and round. Hmm... how ironical ? Well at least their engines and their speed really impressed. Well, after staring at the screen for an hour, i kinda realise the so call street track in Singapore is not an easy circuit to master, i believe you guys read news on a couple of drivers crashes into the cement wall and need to repair their vehicles. That must be PAIN!
I thought the race was ridiculous actually, it consists of 61 laps of 5.1km length. It's like oh my god race !!! For this, i really respect the drivers, their endurance and focus on the race. It's definitely not everyone's job!
Well good luck, as i collected some information of F1 Singapore Grand Prix in this entry, hope you guys check if out, and click on the link at the bottom of the post if you wanna know more about F1 Singapore Grand Prix. Cheers !

Information taken from the following website:
Wow, it was really a long day i had today. The alarm sounded @ 0755hrs but i just couldnt pick myself up, so ended up dozed off and slept for an hour more. As usual some miscommunication that resulted in kok thinking that i wont show up for soccer. Therefore, i lost a wakeup call too !!! =/
Well i didnt miss the soccer either, i woke up @ 0855hrs, texted beng and rushed off to bathroom for a quick shower and left the house almost immediately!!! Reached the court @ 1000hrs. Thankfully, i can carry on playing soccer with my new shoes but too bad it's giving me blisters at the back of my left foot. =/

Had lunch with beng, kok and several new friends known from the court @ henderson market. They are easy going and good in soccer, so there is alot to learn from them. With my battle boots, i actually scored 3 goals including 1 which i chase and wack between the keeper's legs hehe.
Went NUH to see cake's dad after that but her mummy was waiting for me at the entrance of the ward. On seeing me, she drag me to the side and told me cake's aunty and uncle are there, ask me go find cake first dont go to ward becoz there are too probing if they saw me. Haha!!! I was like stunned and laughing we talked about this later after we left the ward. So funny!!! Her mummy ask them to return home at the time i go looked for cake. I really happy that her mummy is the "kai xin guo" of the family but pity that she always get scolded by cake's dad. Went cake's house after that and guessed what ... i got presents brought back by her from taiwan!!
Well my cake does know me alot :) That's the super plus point about her being my cake.
I spend the evening at teck's house, but too bad i was too engrossed in the tasty buffet catering and the liverpool vs everton match that i forgot to take photo of teck's place!!! Awww...
He's old house is emblock for 260k, and bought he's new house at 180k!!! It's like omg pricing. Now keeping my fingers crossed that someday government would be kind enough to buy over my flat.. but when will that day comes... I want new house =/ It was really nice to see my kakis again, yy bear, ivan & pretty gf, boon tiong, cheewee and especially teck!!! Saw my poly mate brian too, but didnt talk much becoz we're that kinda close. Teck's new house is not exceptional big, but i love it for its cosy feel that the house gave and the impressive renovation done to the house.
When is my turn ....
27 September 2008
A poll :) Dunno why it wasnt showing, maybe got to wait till tomorrow then check this out. Thanks for visiting hahas!
26 September 2008
After dance, Hairol left for F1 early after dance and dinner. Had pastamania which is the most common meal by we 3. There are many interesting facts i read about F1 and probably i am going to post it up tomorrow or later tonight.
Anyway through dancing, we met a few people such as Jin Quan known as Kyv and Zeng. Kyv is studying at NTU biz while Zeng is working at a Japanese animation company. Pretty cool huh Zeng, he's a pretty straight forward guy. He is kinda chatty and often share with us his experience in working. Thanks pal. He bought a Nike tee earlier tonight, without really trying or asking for a new piece. That's why i thought he is really straight forward. He got a twin brother also, whom he says had a totally different character from him. woo! The idea is so amazing !!! Oh ya forgot about Kyv, didnt know much about him except the fact that he looked really honest and friendly. Well he comes to class with his hot chick classmate though... awww..
Didnt had much to walk about since this is a friday evening, shops closed earlier, little hangout places tonight. Since we lost our third partner, matthew company me to Shaw House (Lido) and we tried the biscuit @ CANELE!!!
It's so expensive !!! 1 pc for SGD $2.30 while 6 for $14.30.
Well something doesnt sound right hors? 1 for $2.30, 6 should be $13.80 but they say $14.30. Most probably my guess is the additional is for the box given ha. So funny right!!! We two thought for sometime before we decided to get 4 since 2 is kinda embarassing. We tried 2x Pistachio, 1x Lemon and 1 x Orange with wine flavours. Unfortunately, i didnt get to try the orange with wine, ahhhh matthew gobbled it up when i didnt notice !!! .humpf!!!
Seriously, u guys should try, then you will feel how it is like to eat $2.30 down your throat! hahahahas!!! I think it's not so 'worth it'. Perhaps i should try the other cakes available to justify its' cost.
Think it's time for shower, i just reached home a while, cant wait to post this photos before it get archive in my handphone again without sharing. What a waste !!!?!!
Hello guys, i had a long day at work, went dancing tonight as usual. Friday is my dancing night !!! Oh my god, time flies, i am at the end of the dancing lesson. Anyway just to share with you people, there is quite a few reputable dance school i know of and i am enrol in one of them. It's known as O School. My instructor ryan was interview by a magazine, too bad i cant get hold of the mag and scan it for you all yet.
My course is known as MTV Groove I by instructor Ryan. He a really a hip hop dressed up guy but he teaches us Street Jazz, that's what my course is all about. And the best thing is there are alot of unknown words that depict the name of each dance move in a 'certain' language which we didnt know. The course fee is on average SGD$120 per course. There are several dances courses available. Do check out the sites as below.
25 September 2008
This is really a serious case which affected those cute little ones. It is unfortunate that babies are getting kidney stones and 4 of them died from the incident. Mummies must be worrying like crazy, rushing their kids to hospital at the first sight of the news. It seems like there is lack of integrity from some of the chinese out there who see money more than lives of their kins. Moreover, the crisis led to condemning of many items, some of which are daily snacks in our life. This incident really causes lots of panick, adding on to the current financial crisis glooming over US. Maybe the crisis that surfaced, shows that there is alot more for a man to learn and solve the problems.
Actually i added the list but then, it might not be too good to post this online, if you're interested to know, do drop me a email @ wincityxxx@hotmail.com or leave a comment @ the chatbox on the left. thanks :)
Some news link to these cases:
22 September 2008
Check it out here for the preview of next week 篮球火 第10集 :)
Below is the link for 篮球火 第9集 :)
17 September 2008
So many events happened in such as short time span, makes me feel breathless at times. Dunno which 1 to cope. Sometimes i just feel i dont wanna care and let things go but that shouldnt be the action for someone of my age. I just got to think and plan something out.
So sianz, ah beng and ah kok, 1 sleep god, 1 honeymoon boy, seldom company me cabal de.. Wanna play also sianz.
Mummy la give me extra problems to think about... sianz.. headache, brain not thinking liao leh..
Exams is a flopped this time.. i dunno if i can manage to pass...
Cake's dad in hosp, i worry also.. I can just pray for him, and go find him alternate days..
Work is boring, the air con is not helping at all. Makes me feel lethargic, time without calls make me fall aslp. I dun understand how come it makes me so tired to work there.. I came back home and drop dead after dinner till midnight. Now i'm blogging after play abit of cabal.
Sometimes i wonder why dont i just rest for holidays and stop working for good till i graduate. But the stupid situation dont allow me to, money is "important" to survive in this realistic world.
I just hope that the government stabilise our economy, stop introducing foreigners, encouraging pples to come. F1 and all that is making prices in singapore rising like mad. In places like orchard, good food comes only with great deal of money u pay. What for? The people out there are dying from inflation. Living in singapore is slowly becoming living in hell of stress if you didnt realise the truth...
One word to describe "Sianz"
11 September 2008
This morning i set alarm at 0730hrs but could only drag myself up at 0830hrs. Intended to run and i did. Did some stretching, drank 2 cups of water and left for the run. Cant believe i endure the 3 rounds, abt 4-5 clicks. When i finished, i felt like i am dying. Feeling really weak, perspiring like mad and exhausted. Luckily, i managed to overcome that by breathing deep and stretching.
Just wanna have a different life style after the exams. This term was a disaster, i hope i wont get another chance talk abt it again. I just had to get myself up and running for the next term.
This saturday is going to be the futsal tournament, i am not really good at soccer though, kinda fear but seems like they added me in, so i got to be prepare physically then. The run this morning is a great start hahas. Let's hope we win something on saturday. Yeah !!!!! :D
Today is resting day, i jus wanna think of nothing, keep my body rested well and prepared for new challenges. Good luck to me and my friends. :)
10 September 2008
Somehow this is not the right feeling i should be facing now. I felt HORRIBLE, it seems like i never really study the two modules hard enough but i actually did. I kinda lost myself this term. Actually i dont really feel like sharing this part of my feeling now but argghh nvm..
I really hope i pass this two modules, because i dont wanna waste 4k from my brother, although i did not study hard enough, or maybe this is my weakest links so far. It's really a different me now as compare to the time i begin this course. I was then so enthusiastic in studies but my actions dont justify that now.
Anyway after the paper, i went out with Matt and Hairol, supposingly we should be dancing, but they went shopping while i waited at esplanade roof. By then when they are ready for dance, i wasnt, i walk staring at the direction of fullerton around the wide skies above, thinking where shld i pick up myself from. Took some deep breath, think about what to do. Just need sometime off to relieve myself off this exam down syndrome.
We went dinner at rocky master @ MS, had margarita pizza and mocha. Simple meal, not much appetite though. It's tasty but then i didnt really have much mood to figure that taste tonight.
Walked around with them, ended up back at esplanade roof top. We actually stood there for a long time talking about astrology, human originality and the fate of the Earth. Much more interesting as compared with those dull cryptology facts.
The concert at the waterfront begins at 845pm, where we dropped by to listen to the band. It's rather a simple street band with a lady in dress. So weird, their vocal wasnt attractive. I was simply attracted by the little spanish baby girl, wandering around us, getting all our attention. She's really cute, adorable, running up and down the stairs, making laughing at her. She really made my day despite my defeat in term exams. I gotto thank her really. :)
Live your Digital Dream with Canon
07 September 2008

My cake left for Taiwan this morning with her family. So shiok !!! but left me behind :( Anyway i asked her to visit xiao zhu's shop hopefully because she is living in Xi Men Ding @ Rainbow hotel. hahas.
Shop name : APERY
Shop address is : 台北市開封街2段66號 (No.66, Sec.2, KaiFong street,Taipei)
Operating Hours : 2 - 10 pm, 7 days a week
Telephone No : 02-2389-7629

Railway Layout
The rain is cruel on the day we met up to practise on our dance. It's really fun when we tried to dance at the esplanade roof top. lols.. lotsa glances around us when people walks around the premises. hahas.. Hope we werent too bad huhs!
Ya we did a dumb thing, 3 person to share a umbrella which seems to be leaking, walking from esplanade to Sg Flyers aiming for popeye chicky, thinking that it's really fun. But that wasnt, i think we 3 are down we flu and fever from then on. lols. It was an experienced though.
03 September 2008
hmmm i'm still awake.
Maybe i rested too much lately, now i got more focus on studies though i tend to stray abit hehe. Started on studying the tough module, hope i understand. Reading first to understand certain terms, then start thinking of how to memorise them. Well how do you guys do it anyway? ha
02 September 2008
Yes, i am here, at home, enjoying the peace. Thinking that this is the holidays everyone wanted. Some friends are enjoying the time playing games, rest are studying while me is resting.
Not sure why, suddenly lost all the mood again, i think i am a mood swinger. Always swinging from left to right, positive to negative. Perhaps i need some time to think about what i wanna be, what i wanna achieve. I hope this break will do fine to let me find myself back, the path that i wanted.
Today is tuesday, i have yet to start my homework II which is due tonight. So hopefully, things go well and i completed it by this evening.
Luckily there is a couple of short marathons to let me use up all my strengths, endure the long journeys, ending the race filled with accomplishments. I like this kinda races, especially with friends. But then sometimes my eagerness of completing the race faster than friends overwhelm me. Actually i am quite competitive, however i kinda give up quite easily too. This is my lousy character which i vowed to change, not immediately now but in the near future at least.
I wanna thank you guys and ladies for being so nice in helping me with the assignments and stuff this term. I will do something about this lousy attitude of mine. Really appreciate your presence !!!
01 September 2008
Hello all, i have been mia for months due to my busy schedule and my lazy bones.. But i had been to 2 runs this months. It is really great !!! :)
1.) Army Half Marathon (10 clicks)
2.) Nike The Human Race (10 clicks)
Here's my results hahas..
Not so good la but i am going to improve on it !!!

Results are available at their home site @ http://nikeplus.nike.com/nikeplus/humanrace/map.jsp