24 May 2009
Well, i'm back again... hees...
So have you guys ballot for the NDP tickets? Its gonna end soon wor :P
Had been really tiring myself out these 2 months..
Monday = work + dance
Tuesday = work + RT
Wednesday = work + rest
Thursday = work + RT
Friday = work + rest
Saturday = soccer + shopping
Sunday = slp + RT
I was late for today's RT but yet i still went on to train despite the fact that i got to do another makeup which is on weekend for today's class.. Sianz!!! But hopefully, i pass this coming thursday IPPT, then i will not need to come for make up le heess!!!
No time no time and really no time...
I had no mood to do my FYP, no time, no space to think about what to do..
Think i am spending too much time on work such that i got no time to think about my FYP...We got like a month left on our calendar to complete the FYP, so guess i think i have to take more off to start concentrating on this tough project.
The graphical user interface is my toy so i must make it so "incredible" but all i got are simple stuff... i really need time to go master the "chim" functions and integrate with the functions... i really mUst !!! Think i got to talk to my supervisor about this le bah..
***Pray hard i can end this RT this thursday so i can have enough time to dine at home and time to rest.
Oh ya, my colleague siew just gave birth to a cute little Mr Jun Wei lol.. very cute de, can smile in his sleep... power !!! At almost the same time, my da sao has also given birth to a cute little girl... woo !!! wonder how she look like sia... i have yet to go and visit her ... very bad hors? hmm i also dunno... i had been tired, when i'm free, i feel like going out to shop and nothing else. ..
The recent weather sulk big time man, i had been bother by the warm humid weather at night.. i cant really get myself sleeping comfortably and neither do i have the $$$ to buy aircon for myself ... aiya sad...
Because of the many many factors, i think i can get frustrated easily.. sianz !!! i hate this ...
Sometimes i tend to look into the mirror and reflect on what i have been doing, my personality, my achievements... I feel like that lack many things ... maybe my cons are i am not outspoken enough, tends to mumble more than i speak clearly... Not so decisive and clear in making a decision, my decision tends to sway left and right... I guess i need to get my confidence back and i need some time to work this out.. haiz..
At least, i earn my fitness back after all these lessons of RT, that is what i am proud of.. so i aim to pass or maybe fair as well as possible at the coming IPPT..
Tml is the last lesson of my lyrical hiphop wor, finally 8th lessons again, due to the fact that i am so occupied, i feel less interested in dance this time round... i guess i need more rest than anything else at this time..
I just hope i can clear my dance tomorrow and IPPT on thursday. Then i work on getting more off days to do my FYP efficently. Well of cos i need to plan for my personal RT session if i manage to pass this time. Fitness is really something that everyone need to have ... :)
18 May 2009