17 March 2010
Check out this link as it explains a lot information of life insurance, term insurance etc.. Good info for newbies like me =P
Link 1: http://www.guidemesingapore.com/insurance/c332-singapore-life-insurance-options.htm
Link 2: http://www.tankinlian.com/faq/choice.html
09 March 2010
I am puzzled, dunno whether I should go convocation or not because it clashes with my German Trip in April 19-30... If I do not go to the convocation, I would miss chance to take photos with my friends in the grad gown but if I go, I do not spend enough time in Germany. It's a trip to a faraway land, cooler and different from Singapore. Should I spend the time in Singapore for Convocation or in Germany, where it's a different place. If I stay I could also spend more time in helping my colleagues with the project, otherwise they will be left stranded there with only Joseph and Marine there... Hmmm... really hard to decide, but my intuition tells me to go Germany...
What do you guys think? Give me some comments =/
08 March 2010
Wow the new Ipod Nano comes with a Camera that can shoot video and even listen to FM radio.. Sounds good huh~ It costs $238 to buy it directly from Epicenter but I got it for $180 from a online seller who had a few set from lucky draw. It is a brand new unopen set which I have bought on behalf on my god ma Marine hahas.. I hope she will love it tomorrow when it reaches her.. hahas.. Have fun Marine!!!
I am so in love with this drama, though the story seemed to be kind of stupid with 達浪 and 寶珠 keep playing hide and seek ...
but ...
I just love their dialogue, 達浪's ignorance, 寶珠's violence and the pink panther ..!!!
At first, I thought it was just another lame show, but I was wrong. Thank god I have watched it, I kept laughing at their lame jokes, cry when they are together and yet they cannot be together ...
Dont laugh at me hors, I am just an emo-bun~
I will remember these lines ...
我喜欢你... 叫我驚世駭俗醜不垃嘰香菇頭...
我喜欢你... 一天打我八百次...
我喜欢你... 唸英文的聲音...
我喜欢你... 喝醉酒要我背你回家...
我喜欢你... 上課爱睡覺,但做報告卻很認真
我喜欢你... 跟我一樣喜欢粉红頑皮豹,但又知道它的好朋友是谁...
我喜欢你... 你明明不是我心目中,喜欢的那樣的女生...
可是... 我就是喜欢你...